Thursday, August 20, 2009

United We Serve Culmination - come join us!

As United We Serve "Summer of Service" wraps-up the Power of We Consortium VISTA Project, Garden Project, North Elementary, Haven House and Project Homeless Connect will be working to enrich the community through providing more access to fresh fruits and vegetables, building social capital and providing services to the Lansing area's vulnerable populations. This will be a break from VISTAs normal duties which include "indirect" services such as programming, volunteer recruitment and fundraising. Speical service projects such as these events and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service allow the VISTA members a hands-on opportunity to help the community.

On September 10th:
VISTA members will help provide one-day, one-stop shopping for vital services to the Lansing area's homeless populations in collaboration with the Greater Lansing Homeless Resolution Network and the City of Lansing. Services will include medical and dental screening, hygiene services, and food and clothing services. VISTA members will be greeters, intake/check-in volunteers, moblie hospitality volunteers, restaurant service, clothing monitors and set-up and break-down volunteers.

On September 11th:
VISTA members will turn and spread compost, gather new pallets, weed, water, and tend new plots at North Elementary School community garden. The garden has been in continous operation since 1987, and formerly known as Henry North Community Garden. The large allotment garden is open to any community member committed to raising their own vegetables. In addition, the school garden and orchard provide students at North School with the opportunity to learn about where food comes from while engaging in science and providing better access to fresh, healthy foods.

If you're interested in joining us - we'd love to have more help - please sign up at by searching "Power of We Consortium VISTA Project"...or if you'd like more information, please contact Mary ZumBrunnen at (517) 887-4594.

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